How to select the right hydraulic hose for your application?

Choosing a hydraulic hose must be done with careful thought and consideration.

JXFLEX factory which provide hydraulic hoses and hose fittings for exporting will give you the answers:

With a new hydraulic machine design, or with a machine that has undergone a rebuild process, there comes the moment when it is time to specify and install the hoses that conduct fluid from point to point throughout the system.

Make sure to leave at least two hose widths of space between the crimp and any bends when determining hose length. Here`s an example of a correct length, one that is too long and one that is much too short.


While the main functions of a machine and perhaps the most clever aspects of its design are likely contained within the mechanical works including the valves and actuators, the required hoses are not minor accessories. Careful thought and consideration are needed in order to make the best hose selection.

While inside diameter and the working pressure rating of a hose are typical factors to start with, outer diameter and the weight of a particular hose model are often critical on mobile machines.
