Romantic home feng shui quietly blooms love at home

Romantic home feng shui Let love bloom at home quietly bloom

One, space magician - side light

Love needs a bit of change. If there is a light decoration in a plain space, it will be like magic. Surprisingly, under the sidelights, the space will be more three-dimensional and full of beauty of life. If the room has flowers and accessories, Through the use of light and shadow, the depth of space can be increased, and the entire environment can be filled with "romantic" magical power. People can unconsciously increase the power of gentle electricity and let the magic of love in space be released.

Second, the love message - a romantic movie, CD or book

Love is a kind of environmental message. Just immerse yourself in the message of love. It is like watching romantic movies and novels. The whole body is full of factors that want to be in love. If these messages can be placed in the most comfortable corner, they will naturally awaken the message of love. , For a long time, the love energy developed can be discharged to the favorite object at any time.

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