Decoration complete manual home decoration decoration blinding articles

How to choose a set of your favorite house? This article will compare the system ratio for you one by one.

First, the first factor in buying a home is money.

For most of the working class, buying a home adopts the more popular mortgage model (also known as the loan). Of course, if you have two loose loans, it's another matter. Loans must be done in a good manner. No matter how long or how long your loan period is, the principle of your loan is that monthly payments should not exceed 40% of the family's monthly average income. After determining the above factors, you probably also know that the type of house you can afford. May wish to list the names of these properties first, and then compare them one by one according to the following points. Mortgage to buy a house, you can also compare, relatively speaking, the bank's comparison is very simple, without you to compare what qualifications or something, you only need to look at that one to give the most relaxed conditions, which give the best conditions on the line . In any case, banks are basically state-run, and there are no major risks.

Second, buy a city house or buy a house farther away from the city?

1. First, you must determine the distance of the house from your work place. You can actually calculate the round-trip time by bus. If within half an hour, belonging to close range, half an hour to one hour, it belongs to medium distance. If it's more than 1 hour, then it's a long distance. If it's more than 1.5 hours, then you can start thinking about it.

2. Do you own a car when you go to work? If you drive to work one way longer than one hour, then you have to think about it, because all aspects of the fuel cost burden will be a big problem that you have to consider.

3. When calculating these distance problems, you must personally calculate that there are some real estate commercials that are simply blowing out. For example, it takes only 10 minutes for the community to get to the airport. In fact, unless you are riding a rocket, you may not be able to reach your destination in such a short time by helicopter.

Third, buy high-level or buy multi-layer?

I think this issue is first and foremost a personal hobby issue. However, when you buy high-level executives, you have to pay more for this and get less area. And there are many problems at the top:

1. The area of ​​apportionment is large and the utility area is small;

2. It is unacceptable that the floors are short, and some of them are lower than 2.6 meters.

3, column area is large.

4, the inherent characteristics of the building structure, the possibility of decoration changes are low.

5, high management fees charged.

From a technical perspective, high-level and multi-storey, as well as single-family villas have their own advantages and disadvantages.

1. The use period of senior management is generally longer than the multi-use period. The general level is 70 years, while the multi-level is 50 years.

2. The high-rise building code is higher than the multi-layer ones, and the quality is generally better than the multi-layer ones.

To a certain extent, the disadvantages of high-level are the advantages of multiple layers.

Fourth, the quality of housing.

Many people spend their lives busy building a house. It's a sad thing to say that if you save your life savings and buy a rotten house, you can't say it. Therefore, more and more people like to buy a building. This is the reason.

1. Caring for your developer's past development record. Look for any bad records.

2. Concerned about the strength of your developer. Because of sufficient capital investment, it is a prerequisite for your property to be paid in full on time.

3. Some developers are not professional real estate developers, but temporary project developers. Because they have a piece of land and they are temporarily formed, you have to consider carefully. Apart from the financial factors, the real estate business officials The relationship is also crucial. For example, engineering acceptance, hydropower communications, and transportation are all issues that deserve attention.

4. Do not look to the engineering contractor for quality problems. Some people are superstitious about the reputation of engineering contractors. In fact, in fact, it is true that having a good project contractor is good, but the quality of the project is more of a problem for developers.

Five, apartment type

The advantages and disadvantages of a house type are a matter of preservation or immediate depreciation for you. For a detailed description of the unit type, please refer to the next "How to choose a residential unit type".

Sixth, traffic

The first layer of traffic means that you are traveling by public transport. Even if you own a car, you also need to consider this issue for family members without vehicles. We generally comment on whether transportation is convenient and whether public transport is more convenient.

The second level of traffic means more than just referring to the traffic you get into and out of the city and your destination. If you are a high-level user, you have to look at the size and number of elevators. The elevator that is too small is really guilty. If the building has an elevator and there is no backup power supply, it is an unacceptable thing.

VII. Community Services

The community supporting services include the differences between large community services and small community services, but the essence is the same, but it is only a question of attribution. The most important supporting services for the community include public security management, educational facilities, medical institutions, and meat markets. Unlike the previous ones, these factors are best calculated according to walking time. For example, if it takes an hour to walk to the meat market, it may be something that many housewives may not be able to accept.

Eight, the community environment

Nowadays residential districts have gradually developed into small communities. The number of dwellings in single-building buildings has become less and less, and it can be said that it is no longer the mainstream.

The residential environment includes greening and leisure activities. In general, there is a possibility that greening can be achieved because it does not require much money. But whether or not leisure activities are really going on is a problem. In the planning of some real estate companies, there are not only clubs but also swimming pools and tennis courts. If you look carefully at the sales brochure, you know that there is always a small font and a very partial position, but you can never ignore it. All information in this sales brochure is subject to the government's final approval and formal legal documents. Changes are subject to change without prior notice. ""

Based on this statement, developers are legal to make any changes to the plan. Developers do not report these things to the government at all. Of course, there is no question of auditing.

IX. Daily expenses

Living in a modern city, what costs can happen. Including environmental sanitation, utilities, etc., but also pay attention to building management fees (including elevator maintenance costs) and public facilities maintenance costs, body maintenance costs and so on. Maybe you think this is a public issue, but if you come across an arbitrary charge, then you will be in much trouble.

How to choose a residential unit

The selection of the apartment is the premise of the decoration, and strictly speaking it has nothing to do with the decoration. However, the selection of units, for the decoration, this is crucial, a good type of apartment, will reduce the difficulty of decoration design and construction. It can be said that a good apartment will be half successful for your decoration.

How to choose? Here are a few key factors and tell you why. As described in the 5 articles below, there is no difference between before and after. You can filter before and after different terms:

1, according to the direction of light selection: (Note: The so-called direction according to the maximum natural light source of the living room or room, this method is limited to the neighboring provinces of Guangdong or light photography near the area, other regions can refer to conversion.)

1) The living room is in the west and the master room is in the south. Living room "West Photographs", this type of apartment is not very good. In fact, Xizhao Day is a feng shui speech. In fact, the illumination of “Xi Zhao Ri” will feel particularly strong. Why is it particularly strong? The reason is very simple, because after a day's sun exposure, the temperature of the atmosphere rises, so at this time you will feel particularly strong sunshine, not the reason that the intensity of the sun increases. Of course, the higher the floor, the lower the effect of "West Photographing Day". Why? The higher the floor, the less sunlight reflects and diffuses on the ground, and the stronger the wind is, the lower the temperature is than the lower floors. Even the rooms in Xizhao will not feel so strong.

2) The living room is west and the master room is north. The worst type of accommodation.

2, according to the layout of choice:

In my opinion, the layout of the units should be evaluated before and after the following:

1) Adjustability of internal partitions. A large number of beamless and pillarless designs have emerged, and the full-frame design has no load-bearing walls. This adjustability has given the layout a good space for improvement. With the assistance of interior designers, the industry can improve or adapt the types of units to suit their own needs according to their own needs. This is a people-oriented approach.

2) living room. The living room is the living activity center for the whole family and also the center of reception. So the layout of the living room is crucial.

The first condition of living room selection is to square the square. Nowadays, building design has become more and more innovative, and a large number of 45-degree designs have emerged. Of course, the name is diamond-shaped. This kind of design I don't appreciate most, the utilization rate is low, and the design is difficult. The utility rate is also very low. Of course, you do not pay less for the area.

3) The master room. The first key to the master room's space is to be "big." Of course, if you like small things, I have no choice.

4) Restaurant. The second living activity center. It emphasizes the independence and the unity of the living room. The restaurant is best to have its own piece of land, not because it needs to be removed during use and when not in use. The unity with the living room means that the restaurant is preferably connected to the living room. This visually enlarges the area of ​​the living room.

5) Toilet. Or a big character. In fact, the Chinese people's demand for quality of life is really low. I think that many bathrooms designed by architects are simply insulting. In foreign countries, the function of the bathroom is not only the use of toilets and showers. It also has dressing rooms, reading rooms, medical supplies storage rooms ... ... too much, even foreign countries have made wood floors and carpets to the bathroom inside.

6) The kitchen. The design of the kitchen emphasizes the functional layout. Some kitchens are large, but they are large and useless, making it difficult to make cabinets. The position where the stove is placed must be able to make a wall cabinet, otherwise it will be shabby if a solitary range hood is hung.

7) Ordinary bedroom. The emphasis is on big. In the lowest case, you have to go to bed and there is still a place to put a desk or a wardrobe.

8) Auxiliary space. This is the study and dedicated storage room and so on. As a family, these cluttered things are also indispensable.

9) Balcony. The balcony is not only big, but it is better. If only one balcony home is the worst thing. Now that the balcony has some hanging clothes, there is no place, and the balcony has become a clothes stand.

10) Aisle hallway. The hallway aisle requirement is short. But it is not recommended without aisle. It's good to have a little aisle as a foyer, but don't be long. Otherwise, dealing with this long aisle will also be an annoyance in the renovation.

House acceptance

New house acceptance

After getting the house, many people do not know how to accept, and some people think that the quality inspection station has been accepted, and the owner's re-acceptance is suspected of excessive. In fact, in many cases, you do not accept the test, you have to be under the house. Just find the problem before signing, you will be more convenient to pursue the developer's responsibility.

As a layman, how to check the house? Of course, the items listed here are effective for acceptance of any type of house, including acceptance of commercial offices.

1, look at the wall.

Do not know when to start, see the wall turned out to be the primary issue of housing acceptance. In fact, even houses built in the 1980s are not as fragile as current houses. I have seen the most serious house. The window has found water seepage on a rainy day. When I asked it, I realized that all the walls under the windows of the entire building had water seepage. When the typhoon approached, it was even more alarming. What was even more astonishing was that this building was built by the Land and Resources Bureau of a district and it was terrible. Therefore, the acceptance of this, it is best to visit the house on the second day of heavy rain before the house is turned over. If there is a problem with the wall at this time, it is almost insignificant.

In addition to the seepage of water in the walls, there is a problem that the wall is cracked. A friend once reflected that his family had a crack in a door shape. Later, he asked the developer to know that it was originally an elevator freight port left behind during construction. Later, when it was sealed up, it was handled in a sloppy manner to stay in trouble.

2. Verify hydropower.

The first is to check if the house's hydropower is on. Of course, for some high-end renovations, most of the hydropower will be replaced in the later period, so sometimes these are not critical, but if you do not plan to replace water and electricity, then these things must be carefully accepted.

Check the wire, in addition to see if there is electricity, the main thing is to see if the wire meets the quality of the national standard. Then the cross-sectional area of ​​the wire meets the requirements. In general, the wires in the home should not be less than 2.5 square meters, and the air-conditioning line should reach 4 squares. Otherwise, when the air conditioner is used, it is easy to overheat and soften. Of course, this is an ideal configuration, and most civil cables will be one grade worse.

3, inspection waterproof.

The waterproof mentioned here refers to the waterproof of the kitchen and toilet. Of course, some of the houses that are currently delivered have already declared that they have not done waterproofing. This requires renovation. If waterproofing is already done at the time of delivery, we have to verify whether the waterproofing is done well. If you don't try it before the renovation, then if you find something leaking when you finish it, then the maintenance project will be big. You have to remove the floor that has been renovated to make a new waterproof layer. The method of acceptance of waterproofing is: using cement mortar as a door to block the toilet, and then cover it with a plastic bag, then put it in a solid state, and then put the water in the toilet, shallow (about 2cm high) ). Afterwards, the owners who are downstairs are expected to check the ceiling of their home toilet after 24 hours. The main locations for water leakage are: direct leakage of the floor slab; contact between the pipeline and the floor.

4, inspection pipeline

The pipe referred to here refers to a drainage/pollution pipe. Utah is a sewage outlet such as a balcony. When it is accepted, take a water-filled appliance in advance and pour water into the outlet. See if the water is flowing smoothly. Why do you have to accept this? Because during construction, some workers often “stolen” this work when cleaning. Put some cement residue into the drain and run away. If the cement is more viscous, it will clog at the elbow and cause drainage difficulties.

There is another situation, but it is not related to acceptance. That is to look at whether the sewage pipe has water storage deodorant elbow. According to experience, if the sewage pipe does not contain water and deodorant elbow, then the overall quality of the house will have to hit 12 points. Why do the sewage pipes need such elbows, because the elbows will store water so that the smell from the lower pipes will be blocked under this layer. Without an elbow, the laundry outlets and toilet drains emit a odor. There may be developers who think that the use of anti-odor floor drains will work. The practice of the project has proved that the deodorant floor drain is far from meeting actual needs. And because of this small place, it is often best to reflect the construction quality of the builders.

5, test ground level

The experiment received this, for the general user is a certain degree of difficulty. Ground leveling is the measurement of the horizontal error between the floor and the ground in the doorway that is furthest away from the entrance. Examine this, many times can also reflect the developer's construction quality. Because as the owner, it is impossible to accept the main structure. Then we can only look at the quality from these details. The method of measurement If you do not bother, then the method is quite simple. Go to the hardware store to buy a small transparent water pipe, about 20 meters in length, and then fill it with water. First draw a sign 0.5 meters or 1 meter off the ground at the door. Then adjust the level of the water pipe to the height of this sign and find someone to fix it in this position. Then move the other end of the hose to the room furthest from the door. Then look at the height of the water pipe at the place, and then make another sign. Then use a ruler to measure how high this mark is off the ground. The difference in these two levels is the difference in the level of the house. You can also use this method to analogically measure the level difference in the entire house.

In general, if the difference is about 2 cm is normal, 3 cm is in an acceptable category. If you go out of this range, you have to pay attention. I have seen the worst level difference reach 7cm. After the measurement, I thought I was measuring wrong. The above work is a bit cumbersome. If you have a friend who owns a laser-sweeping instrument, this problem will be solved much more.

6, test height

If your contract has this one clause. Then you should measure the height of the building. The method is very simple, measuring the feet along the inside of the two corners of the wall (this is the most convenient way to place long feet without bending), you should measure the indoor multiple places. In general, about 2.65 meters is the accepted range. If the house is less than 2.6 meters, the house has to be considered. This kind of house will make you have to live in a depressing environment in the future. Doing short heights is a very effective cost-saving method for developers.

1) Reduce the total weight, so that the cost of the basic part can be saved.

2) Although it was only reduced by about 10 centimeters, overall, the cost savings are also many, and Utah is still developing a residential area for development. 3) At a certain height, lowering the floor height can create more layers.

7, inspection doors and windows

Here is the acceptance window. The key point of acceptance is the sealing of the acceptance window and the balcony door. The most troublesome aspect of the window's sealability acceptance is that it can only be tried and tested in heavy rain. However, it can generally be confirmed by checking whether the sealant tape is intact and firm. The balcony door generally depends on the level difference between the interior and exterior of the balcony door. I have seen a situation where the level of the balcony is the same as the level of the interior, so that it is difficult to avoid the problem of rain infiltration in heavy rain.

8. Other items

In fact, in addition to the above items, other acceptances require more professional knowledge. You may wish to bring a friend who is familiar with the project to check the house. This is the only possible thing. In addition, you can only rely on the quality of the quality inspection part.

Acceptance of old houses

The current real estate secondary market is also very active. Many people will buy second-hand housing as home ownership or investment. When you go to see an old house, you have to maintain a 12-point spirit.

In addition to the acceptance method of new houses, because most of the second-hand houses have already been renovated, there are some features that are not very convenient for inspection from the acceptance method of new houses. There are some additional methods for acceptance of old houses:

1, look at the wall. In general, if the second-hand housing has not been painted temporarily, there will be evidence of yellowing or latex paint “flowing” if there is water seepage in the walls. It's easier to see if the homeowner has painted before changing hands, as the paint is often sloppy. Some signs can also be seen vaguely from the brush marks, because if the owner of the house before the transfer of the house if the entire renovation of the wall, the cost is indeed a bit high.

2, look at the ground. The main point is to see if there are any signs of seepage in the baseboard area, including latex paint or wallpaper surface abnormalities. In addition, it is necessary to see if there are black spots.

3, put the furniture has been removed. When some people buy second-hand houses, they will see some furniture in the house. The homeowner will often tell you very well: "I just bought it, I'm not willing to lose it. You can use it and use it." You can listen to it, but the work has to be continued. The furniture is removed from the original wall and checked. Is there a problem with masking at these sites?

4, check waterproof. The difficulty of waterproofing the old house may be even more simple. Go downstairs and take a look at the ceiling to see if there is a leak. In addition, some signs can be seen on the adjacent wall (on the other side) of the bathroom and kitchen.

In the reference of the acceptance of new houses, you may not need to worry about everything except the level of the ground. Other items should also be carefully examined. In order to avoid trouble for yourself in the future, in addition, if you find a problem, you can kill the price at this stage, so that you can make up for your future maintenance costs.

At the beginning of the renovation, many people had just bought a house, and even began to consider when they had not bought a house. In fact, buying a house is the biggest investment in many people's life, and this cannot be separated from the decoration. So, how to proceed with the equipment decoration?

First of all, first of all, you have to determine the date of the house's delivery, and the decoration preparation stage is generally better than one month in advance. There is no benefit to being too long or too short. Being too long will only make you guilty of being guilty for too long, too short, too hasty and not good.

Second, next, you need to plan for the financial aspects. How much money is required to decorate a house, which is often the most asked by the owners. In fact, this issue is often difficult to generalize because of the different prices and the different fitting-out projects. In general, mid-range renovations will account for about one-tenth to one-fifth of housing prices. For example, a house is 100 square meters, and the price is 500,000 yuan (the old house should be calculated by the market price of the equivalent new house), so it is possible that the decoration money is between 50,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan.

Third, handle the couple's role in decoration. Decoration can sometimes be a cause of quarrel between husband and wife, so we must remind them. For several years in the industry, there have been a few family members who acted as agents, and there have been various types of couples during the period:

1, men and women assisted: decoration, usually the host owner carrying the hostess. The husband and wife have the final say in the decision-making power of some affairs. The most typical examples of female hostesses are silent, and some are helpful.

2. Female sponsor: There are many cases of such couples. The first is the wife and the strict husband. In the domestic affairs, the man is basically afraid to say anything. I have met a male client owner and said: “My wife said...” and the second is that the female’s qualifications are relatively high. The man has relatively little knowledge in this area. A typical example is when the man has only elementary school level and the woman has college level. At this time, the majority of the man is relatively silent.

3, men-based: This type of couple in the decoration, the woman basically did not appear in the lens, because there are too many possibilities. Guess about the following conditions: The first is the woman's inconvenience to go out and walk around. The second is that the woman looks too sorry everyone, and the male owner does not seem to be willing to let her go out. The third is the woman's work is too busy or business trip.

4. Female-dominated: There are two reasons why this type of husband and wife does not appear in the decoration: the first is that the man is too busy with work, and some even have long-term business trips. The second is that the man has a high degree of power and is inconvenient to appear. Most of the officers are mainly senior officials.

5, tit for tat: This kind of husband and wife is more than the age, usually in the decoration will be quarreled because of some problems. I have met two couples. One is because the hostess insisted on the problem of feng shui, but when she quarrelled with the doctor's male master, it was a month without a fight. The project could not be carried out. The other is that the male master is too short. Some of the projects at home are often thought of in terms of their own height, which is strongly opposed by the taller female host. Of course, at this time, I support the hostess and the design should be based on the average height. (1.75 meters) to design.

6, husband and wife follow-up: Most of these types of husband and wife have business volume, mainly in higher education family. Both men and women have considerable knowledge and their views are more rational.
Single aristocrats: There are no such couples at all, so the dominant players may be male or female.

7. People to be married: These are mostly men and women who love to talk about marriage. Most of the situations are similar to the sixth category. Most of the men and women will discuss the decoration issues in a cordial manner before making a decision.

8. Parental labor: The probability of this type of occurrence is relatively low. In this category, neither of the owners appears. why? Because the owners are not married at all. The house is an excuse that parents give their son or daughter an excuse to go to college. In a logical sense, the owner is not the real owner.

Single-parent families: The owner's man or woman is vacant, but this situation is slightly smaller than what has happened in the above categories. However, with the development of the economy, there are also many cases in which the men and women of the owners place new homes at their place of work.

The timing of the decoration

What needs to be considered here, in addition to the above issues, are two main considerations:

1, the problem of free time. General home improvement is best to choose when they are more free, if you have been working very busy during the renovation period, if you insist on decoration, then you only have to find someone you absolutely trust to decorate, otherwise, you still wait .

2, the weather factor. Many people are rumored that they cannot be decorated in wet weather. Actually, there is no scientific basis for this argument. The only effect of wet weather on decoration is paint. If it is handled improperly, there will be whitening and mildew, but if handled properly, it will not be a problem.

3, the price factor. It is because people are generally the most suitable time for a decoration, and when it is not possible to decorate the mind, all of a year, there is always a season that is the off-season of decoration. In fact, if you are looking for the decoration company's technology can be, then you can save a lot of money in these seasons decoration, because not only the decoration company cut prices in the off-season, even the material dealers will also cut prices, this account is definitely not A small number.

Home decoration For Chinese families, perhaps it should be said that for Chinese society, it is a new industry. The decoration mentioned at this time means "secondary decoration". ("One-time renovation" refers to a renovation carried out by civil construction.) It is one of the fruits of China's reform and opening up under the leadership of Comrade Deng Xiaoping. The Chinese have a word called: clothing, food, housing and transportation. When the people lived in the settlement of food and clothing, the problem of housing came up. The problem of housing is that today, life is rich, and you can live better if you live. People hope to improve their living environment in order to have a better life for themselves and their families.

The decoration consists of three parts: interior design, construction and maintenance. Renovation, which is called a decoration project in a formal occasion in the industry, is a comprehensive discipline. The decoration is derived from the construction industry and is an extension of architectural science. It involves a wide range of subjects and is inextricably linked to many disciplines. The main ones are as follows:

1. Building structure: spatial structure, design style, natural lighting, architectural index.

2, HVAC lighting: indoor artificial lighting, air conditioning system.

3, water supply and drainage system: domestic water and sewage to the row.

4, fire, security, and broadcasting systems. Fire protection, anti-theft, and television systems that involve floors.

5, decorative materials and supplies industry. It provides a variety of sand materials, finished products and semi-finished products for the decoration industry.

From the steps of the renovation project, it includes:

1, the concept (including design) stage. This includes the planning of the plane, the planning and design of the facade.

2, sample selection stage. Determine the stages for various materials, varieties, and brands.

3. Dismantling (if any) of non-structural, non-structural old building structures.

4, the construction phase. This includes the construction of various water, electricity, pipelines, and carpentry and masonry projects.

5. Renovation phase and acceptance. Including the rework of unqualified projects, the stage of rework of projects with quality problems.

6, the warranty period. This is already a very common occurrence in the industry.

At present, there are 6 million people engaged in decoration projects throughout the country, of which 4 million are engaged in home decoration. There are five main types of personnel engaged in renovation projects:

1, people who graduated from indoor professional. Is the most professional family, more comprehensive knowledge for the decoration project.
2. People who graduated from architecture and structure majors. Is a more professional family, in some ways, more than the indoor professional.
3. People from other fine arts or engineering related industries. These people have a certain amount of expertise and are not comprehensive.
4. People of apprenticeship from the construction team; have rich construction experience, but less professional knowledge, low creativity, and emulate the practice of construction.
5. Other people.

In China, the major of cultivating interior design talents is mainly environmental art designing specialty. It includes both indoor and outdoor content.

Before everything is ready, what you need to choose is a qualified designer. Whether you hire a decoration company from that kind of channel, look for advertisements or introduce friends, your first concern is a qualified design. The division serves you. This is why the author wants to put the interior designer's chapter before the decoration company's chapter.

We have already introduced the composition of China's current decoration practitioners. Here, we talk about what qualified interior designers are.

A qualified interior designer should have the following skills:

1. Good artistic expression skills: including drawing, color, sketching, hand-painted renderings, and model-making capabilities.

2, good computer operation capabilities: including the basic computer operation, and proficiency in operating autocad, 3dmax, lightscape and photoshop and other software operations. These softwares are based on some of the best recommendations in the industry at the time of writing.

3, good interior design basis: including the plane composition, three-dimensional composition, color composition.

4. Good interior design theory: Including Chinese and foreign architectural history, various periods of design style, ergonomics, color psychology, spatial planning, and so on.

5. A good foundation of related disciplines: Basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, acoustics, applied mechanics, psychology, philosophy (including logic), budget science, public relations, and other marginal disciplines.

6. Good engineering construction foundation: It includes the basic knowledge of carpentry, muddy water, water supply and drainage, electrician and paint. It also includes a simple project budget basis.

Please design a good designer. This is often not fully utilized by the owner.

1. Tell your designer what you need and what you like. It is essential that your designer understand your cultural and professional background, lifestyle, and membership.

2. Don't overdo it with the designer. When you tell the designer above, you need patience to let the designer use his professional knowledge to turn your immature ideas into standard things. You don't need to worry about doing this because any designer, you have the power to make changes and decisions.

3. Listen to the designer's program introduction and fully understand the designer's ideas. If you can't understand it, you can ask him and tell your own questions. If you dare to admit that you are not a professional, everyone has their own knowledge. Therefore, more than designer communication is the key to your satisfaction.

4. When you have an idea, if the designer has objections, you should think twice about their opinions. This does not mean that you are obedient to the designer, but to your own property.

Similarly, as designers, in accordance with the requirements of the owners, to make the design suitable for their satisfaction is the only pursuit.

1. Seriously listen to Party A’s basic situation and understand his/her needs. Including life habits, personal hobbies.

2. The design should be based on Party A’s economic affordability. The design made out of the project cost control line can only be a good and useless thing.

3. The design style should be controlled within Party A's acceptance. A good style design is based on a combination of factors. In addition to the above-mentioned circumstances, the involved contents include the factors such as the age and aesthetic ability of Party A.

The author firmly believes that asking a responsible qualified interior designer to trouble the owner's decoration will greatly ease it. Here, it also leads to the question of how to know if a designer is qualified.

Listen. A professional interior designer who speaks eloquently and his views on issues is definitely not a word of mouth. Any questions are based on theoretical grounds. This does not mean that they are cited as evidence, but as a mature practice. And you can be convinced that professional designers rarely use adjectives.

2, see. Professional interior designers must have basic skills. This basic skill is not the use of computers, but the real hand-painted effort. The schematic paper hand-painted by the designer is real, words and material, and it is correct and consistent with the perspective principle.

3, inspection. Professional interior designers will naturally have a book, the most important of which is from environmental art design or architecture design. Of course, the author does not exclude self-taught people. After all, what the industry sometimes needs is understanding and enthusiasm.

At the time of finalization, it was rumored that the industry was about to establish a system for registering designers. Although rumors could not be confirmed in this regard, I hope that this rumor is true and I hope this system will be perfect and it will not be an unsustainable form. . As I have always advocated, the registration system for interior designers is the key to improving the entire industry. It quotes a word of the current trend: people-oriented decoration. That is the blessing of the industry. Everybody's blessed.

Turning on the decorative version of the newspaper, it's not hard to see slogans filled with free designs everywhere. Is there really a free lunch in the world?

In fact, when we sit down and think calmly, we can know that there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.

Question one: Who can provide free lunch?

1, no ability to design. At present, the home improvement market is extremely chaotic. Many companies have made free designs. I was trained by a kitchen cabinet company to train their salesmen. It was only when they discovered that these trainees did not even have a basic art foundation. A week later, even the standard drafting specifications were not fully understood, and they soon became available. The kitchen cabinet company's designers don't need to be so advanced. Can a designer of a decoration company do so? I also met. In addition to my professional duties, I also helped several "Copper contractors" draw pictures. The contractor usually only asked me to draw computer renderings, and the construction drawings were drawn by their own people and horses. The company is not big, but there are also several people, a few cars, known as Hong Kong-owned enterprises. The drawing computer was placed in a room and operated by a girl. Since she often had to go to maps, she gradually learned to know. She learned that during the day she was working in another company as a finance, and at night she worked part-time. . In fact, she does not understand drawing, but because of financial reasons, he knows little about operating a computer. After applying for a part-time job here, she bought a few books for herself while learning to draw. However, she still did not paint well, mainly because some conceptual things were not clearly understood, such as the proportion of autocad. Later, the owner of this company also counted as an investment, let me go to their company to teach them to draw cad. There were only three sessions in the class, and they were almost all dispatched. Even the boss's wife also participated (she was in that company as a finance). I overcame autocad in three sessions. Then they designed it. ... This year is really a lot of genius. This type of design by the designers does not require design fees. The fixed salary of 1,000 yuan can be ignored in a large project.

2, capable designers.

It is still the old saying that wool is born on a sheep and it is both a rite and a memorial arch. In Shenzhen, many formal designers of decoration companies are able to redeem new design tasks after completing established design tasks (for example, five renderings). Here is obvious. On the one hand, these designers have a formal salary. The monthly salary of a college graduate designer who came out of campus is about 2500-3000 yuan. With the increase in seniority, the rise in wages is not simply a plus two hundred yuan, an interior designer with rich experience and a certain level of about five years or so, the monthly salary of more than 7,000 or even more than 10,000 yuan. Well, since these designers are required to pay salaries, they must take it for granted. So why do decoration companies also design for free? Or just a daydream of a free lunch for customers. Meticulously to get a free design program, the client does not know that the purse has been slaughtered a few shadowless knife.

Question 2: Why does the design charge?

1. Let's take a look at the cultivation process of an interior designer. First, he must first go to study the art foundation of a few years. He still had a certain talent in it, or else it would be like burning a fire to paint a tree in a few years. Then he has to learn the basics of design. It includes complex theories and various doctrines and tiring design specifications. Then the teacher's homework assignments were completed endlessly (among them there were many teachers' private lives). In this way, a half-baked designer was released. At this time, they can only be drafters. Because they have no practical experience, they are not familiar with materials and so on. At this time, the things they designed were all inconceivable. When they got on the construction site, most of them would make the engineers on the ground change beyond recognition. They would visit the site one day. Where is my design? !

2. It took two or three years to hone this designer, this designer can basically reach the stage of independent design (the premise is that within two or three years he has always had a design task in the body, if the entire day in the office turned newspapers is not). In these hone years, most designers have lived inhuman life. Because most of these designs are department managers or project managers who have already been designed, most of them are doing physical work and turning managers' drawings of dragons and phoenixes into formal drawings. I once had to stay awake for four days and nights in order to complete a design task, so I secretly made up my mind that if there is a next life, I will never be a designer or programmer.

3. A formal designer has been accomplished and the learning process cannot stop. Otherwise, if the design style is backward, the price will fall. So I have to think and study all day. The biggest difference between designers and others is that designers never stop thinking, except brain death. These processes are accompanied by the majority of illnesses and neuroticism.
From the above we can know that the cost of an interior designer's growth is huge. It is harder than an architect or graphic designer.

Question 3: Who did the free design harm?

1. Free design damages the entire decoration industry. Although nominally free, this freebie substantially devalues ​​the value of professional designers' lives. Interior designers are the mainstay of the decoration industry. The emergence of new designs leads to new ideas, which in turn Lead to new products and new quality of life. Long-term development will not attract talented people to join this behavior, which will cause the industry to stagnate or even retreat. Since the training of a mature interior designer takes time, the bad self-harm of the industry will eventually leave the designers in disappointment and even seriously undermine the competitiveness of the industry. With China's further participation in wto, its excessively weak design capabilities will cause the domestic decoration industry to suffer from cold winds.

2. Free design damages the interests of the owners. Since designers can not rely on design to eat, then they can only rely on construction to support their families, so that designers are in a subordinate position. Then, when designing, it is necessary to consider the interests of the contractor everywhere, including the difficulty of construction and material conservation. Now many home improvement companies deliver drawings to customers in order to show that they have "designed" things. A home construction drawing takes more minutes than a hotel project, and the owner is confused. And these drawings are often put together to copy, in autocad we call it block. The substantial amount did not produce the corresponding quality.

3, free design damages the enthusiasm of the designer. Now there is a jargon in the decoration industry: look at food and eat. In the same room, design drawings made for 100 yuan and 1,000 yuan in design fees will never be the same. Such a vicious circle will eventually make interior designers lose their enthusiasm and vitality. The owner may also have to pay more for the mediocre design and even lose everything.

Question four: Interior design, where to go?

In foreign countries, designers are often occupations with very high social status. In Hong Kong, architects engaged in architecture and interior design are called divisions and have the same status as attorneys such social prestige professions. Many times, a designer's signature on a drawing is more appealing than a company's seal. The state should implement some new rules in this regard, for example, by revising the “unfair competition law” and prohibiting the “free design” of this name by legislation and allowing the establishment of interior design firms. This is The protection of a national industry is also the protection of a national culture.

At present, the decoration market is full of fish, how to choose a suitable decoration company? This problem is often a headache for readers. The author believes that everything should be people-oriented. This sentence is not a monstrous statement, but something based on facts.

Why do you say this way? First of all, we step by step from the conventional choices. Under normal circumstances, most experts will suggest that you follow the steps below:

1, check verification photos. Any legally registered enterprise has a business license issued by the business sector. The main certification of a business license is whether the company is legally registered; the registered capital of the company; the business scope of the company.

2, check the qualifications. Any decoration company that has been approved by the government's management department, mainly the Construction Committee or the Construction Bureau, will have an official qualification certificate. These certificates are issued by different levels of departments according to different levels. For example, a level one enterprise is issued by the Ministry of Construction. The qualification certificate proves that the company can bear the starting point of the total construction cost of the project, which means that the company can bear the highest number of projects.

3, check the venue. Renovation company stresses strength, the most concrete embodiment of strength than office space size and decoration. Take it for granted that a company with no strength can afford such a luxurious office?

4, inspection personnel. Many people believe that the number of companies observed is another manifestation of the strength of a company. It is always heartwarming for a company to come and go.

Because of these views, countermeasures are also very easy to do.

1. The issue of registration funds for licenses, in fact, it is now necessary to set up a company with a registered capital of 1 million, and the required cost is only 5,000 or so. Of course, the more registered capital, the higher the fee charged by the intermediary, but the difference between the cost and the actual investment needed is always very different.

2, Qualification issues. It is very simple to get the qualifications of other companies. The first is the contracting department. The contracting department can be the design department, the engineering department, or the business department, the business department 2 and so on. The second is the temporary affiliation and use of the company. In the name of the company, as long as it is willing to pay 3-5% of the total amount of the project, this qualification is stable.

3, check the venue and personnel. There are naturally different ways to deal with this money. Rich people can rent a bigger office and then they can hire a group of people. Some of the employees have some short-term trials that do not pay wages. Longer trial periods only require paying half of the salary. Once the trial period is over, Fire up, and then recruit new ones if you cycle. Of course, there are even more extremes. Some companies pay salaries based on business commissions. The basic salary is either not, or it can be as low as it can be. No money to do this kind of event, the market has a corresponding solution, some companies can provide an open office area to you, of course, you only need to rent one of the desk on the line, while the same office area People are not your colleagues, but your peers. They are facing the same difficulties. Everyone helps each other and the problem is naturally solved.

Therefore, we said that some reasonable conventional practices may not be effective in the decoration industry. Well, the decoration company still has to choose, unless you do not decorate, or very stylish to do DIY yourself, otherwise, this problem you always have to solve.

So how to solve it? The author's opinion is this:

1. Routine procedures are still routine. You can also follow the routines mentioned above. Of course, as for whether it is effective or not, it depends on your analytical ability and luck.

2. Visit the model house. What you need to understand is not how high the construction process of the other party is, but what the customer thinks. A company can buy advertisements and can buy scenes, but it can't use money to buy customers' opinions. It is the opinion of family owners. And through them, to understand the credibility of the construction side.

3, understand the company's background. Including its excellent and bad records and so on. Perhaps one or two cases do not indicate a problem, because there is no error in the process of doing business, and it is almost unbelievable. However, if there is any company that causes public outrage, it is less likely to touch.

4. Regardless of whether you are contracting with a decoration company or an individual, except for some companies that sign contracts directly with legal representatives, other handlers are best able to remember his ID information. Just like a car has an abs and air plastic bags, seat belts are often the most practical ones.

For many people, the opportunity to spend several renovations in a lifetime is even more so for the working class. Strengthening industry self-discipline, increasing the transparency of industry operations and further developing strict and rigorous laws and regulations are a matter of urgency and an opportunity for the entire industry to improve.

Problems with subcontracting for decoration projects

Subcontracting this issue is almost an open secret in the engineering industry. Even if the big companies receive the project, they may also subcontract the engineering layers. The bigger the project, the more subcontracting layers will be. Therefore, not only will the decoration company be a headache, but after choosing a decoration company, the problem of headaches will not be fully resolved.

First of all, we have to clarify a few things:

First, whether it is a large company or a small company, even if it is a small decoration team, it is both good and bad. We can't say that big companies are black hearts, nor can we say that a small decoration team is not.

When I first came to Shenzhen, I was still a child. At that time, my uncle came to Shenzhen earlier. The decoration of their home was done by a small baotou worker. Of course, the design couldn't be better, but the contractor was very responsible. Listening to the uncle, he said that when the contractor first arrived in Shenzhen, he stepped on a broken bike and was actually a migrant worker. There was no design, but he was very smart. The material he calculated was almost non-wasteful. Now this person’s There are already tens of millions of net worth. However, he still does not have a registered company. He is still confined to a commercial and residential building in Luohu, but he has a lot of people under his command. Although now rich, but now the old customer to give him a call, he will still solve the problem for them personally.

Unfortunately, another contractor with no conscience is contracting the decoration of my own home. At that time, my house was renovated, and the decoration was a mess. In my previous article, it was also stated that my dad told me in a chat a few years later that he said that the contractor could easily break the tile he bought with his hands. The toilet at home was broken in a few days, and the water pipes were often bad. When the wall paint is lightly scratched, the underlying ash will be exposed. However, after I came out to work, my family's simple repair or my mother called the contractor to do it. Only the contractor was very scared to see me. He later called several times to pick up some business from me. I said no way! Just a few days ago met him on the road, driving a broken motorcycle can not be broken "Lamb" women's motorcycle, the kind of fall like, really miserable.

When I first came to work, I went to a friend company in Shenzhen Zhenhua Road to play. This second-level qualification company was really grand, and it was an entire floor, and the decoration was very high. I turned a few corners inside and came to a small room. This friend of mine contracted a small room like this. In fact, it is the brand of the company that hangs outside of the company. The management fee for a year is tens of thousands of yuan. Of course, my monthly salary was only 2,450 yuan, and the contract number sounded high. The friend said that he did not want to contract again. He now uses the official seal of the contract to print a lot of blank contracts, which is enough for him for several years. I plan to stop calling this company afterwards. Of course, I don't care about specific reasons.

Of course, things are all diverse.我刚出来任职的这家装修公司也是二级资质的,不过公司没有一个部门是承包的,公司不但自己经营,而且还兼营着一家消防公司和一家娱乐城(后来闹出我们这些设计师和"小姐"是同事的笑话了)。老板在开会时多次说了不对外承包,现在说回来,我真后悔开会时开小差,没听全他的话。当然,我知道底下施工人员有相当部分是临工来的,因为公司不可能长期供养几百号工人,但是工人只是帮公司包工,材料仍然是公司工程部承办的。










Before everything is designed, communication is critical, and it all comes from the information you provide for the designer.那么这些信息有那一些呢?

1、 自己的想法。 Tell your designer your own vague ideas, but this does not require specific, and you have to emphasize that you are thinking of immature ideas. Relatively speaking, you want designers to provide better ideas. It is beneficial to give full play to the role of the designer. This includes the kind of grade you want the house to be renovated into.

2、 告诉设计师你的职业。 You don't need to tell the other party that you are in any company or institution. You need to tell a wide range of occupations, such as company employees, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, or a teacher. Why should we care about this? Because different industries have their own industry characteristics. As the saying goes, it's just a matter of saying that we can't leave our company. For example, civil servants’ owners hope that the house be as simple and generous as possible, and when a doctor comes home, he often does not like to see the wall of his home is still white.

3、 家庭成员。 The average family will have several people. As a small group, the decoration of the house has to take into account their situation. If there are children at home, then in some renovation projects you have to consider the safety aspects. For example, some buildings now have short balcony railings or large poles, which may have security concerns.

4、 特殊成员:这主要是指宠物,很多有宠物的客户,往往会把它们视为家庭的成员,在装修中,也难免要把他们的因素也考虑进去,例如为他们营造一个小窝等等。

5、 个人爱好:这是指一些平常的爱好,例如对色彩的敏感,特别喜欢或特别讨厌那一类的色彩等等,也会有一些人对特定的图案有特殊的感觉。 For example, blue is a good color for many people.

6、 特殊嗜好:这指的是一些与众不同的爱好,例如喜欢收藏一些物品,那么业主也许喜欢把一些展示出来。 I have a customer collection tool no less than a thousand, the living room is placed a very sharp katana.

7、 生活习惯:这是指日常的一些生活习惯,例如喜欢在家里放置一台跑步机,又或者是一名超级网虫,希望家里布满网线。 I have a customer's home with three computers and a server. Almost every room has a network cable.

8、 特殊家具:如果你有一台大型的钢琴之类的大件家私,那么在开始设计时,就需要把它考虑进去了。 In addition, the existing furniture should be used in the future, but also take it into account.

9、 避讳事宜:每一个地方的人都有可能有一个习俗上的避讳。 In Guangdong, for example, many people are jealous of placing decorations such as mirrors at the entrance. There are also places where people are jealous of designs such as butterflies.

10、 宗教信仰:也许有一些业主会有特定的宗教信仰,或者基督教徒,或者是回教徒,在一些地方也有供奉先人的习惯,这是出于对先人的尊敬而不是一种宗教信仰。 Of course, there are also people in some places that are based on traditions, such as offering statues of Guan Gong and so on. After these information is provided, generally familiar designers will have a general idea. Some good designers can sketch it out with a sketch. After the preliminary agreement, the next s

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