Ways to prevent orchid roots

Although the orchid is moist, its fleshy roots are afraid of cockroaches. It is easy to rotten roots due to excessive moisture or rain, and induces black spot disease. Therefore, the basin of Yanglan should not be too wet.

Winter orchids are in a dormant or slow-growing stage, and the potting soil should be dry; spring and early summer are important periods for the growth of orchid roots and leaves, and the potting soil should be biased; but long-term over-wet, it is easy to cause rotten roots, causing leaves to be yellow, even death. Because of excessive water, water is accumulated in the soil, and the gas permeability is poor, resulting in insufficient oxygen, hindering the respiration of the roots, causing the roots to become black and rot.

During the rainy season or rainstorm season, the basin must avoid its harm. Because of the long rain and wet, the new leaves are most prone to black spots, and the stamen often has the phenomenon of "rotten clothing", which affects flowering and viewing. However, if the potting soil is too dry, it will easily cause the dry bulbs to dry up or other tissues to lose water and affect the metabolism, which will also lead to weak tissue and poor plant growth. Autumn basin soil should be wet, in order to facilitate the next year. Therefore, the person who raises the orchid should know the "winter is not wet, the autumn is not dry".

The above explains the different requirements of orchids for water in different periods, so the watering amount should be strictly controlled according to the requirements. At the same time, improper fertilization of orchids can easily cause root rot. If excessive fertilization, excessive concentration or liquid fertilizer is injected into the sheath, it will have an adverse effect on orchid production. When fertilizing, it is necessary to increase or decrease the amount of fertilizer according to the amount of watering, so that it can coordinate growth.

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