House Delivery Procedures and Procedures

House filing procedures, handover procedures

Although it is very troublesome to buy a house, handing in the house is not a simple matter. The formalities required in the delivery of the room, the procedures for the submission of the room, and the inspection techniques are common sense. Although at the time of submission, the developer will have someone responsible for the inspection of the house together with the owner, but experts suggest that the owners of the initial collection are still best to find someone familiar with the same house. What are the procedures to be prepared before handing in? What is the basic process? In the delivery, developers need to have someone to accompany the home inspection, and there is a "household home inspection transfer table" for the owner to record the problems found in the inspection process, if the developer does not provide such forms, then the owner You can take your own paper and record it. After recording, you need to stamp it in two copies, one by the developer, one by the developer, and one by the owner himself.

What are the conditions for making a room?

According to the provisions of the developer delivery of commodity housing must meet the following conditions:

I. Qualified by the construction engineering quality supervision agency. Commercial houses are generally verified by the construction quality supervision station of the district or county where they are located, and a written certificate of eligibility is issued. If the acceptance is qualified, the quality level must be stated, such as qualified and excellent.

Second, residential houses belonging to the building must have obtained a residential delivery and use permit. The residential delivery license is issued by the municipal or district residential development bureau. Houses that have not obtained a permit are not allowed to deliver, and the public security household registration management department will not handle the entrance procedures.

Third, for the initial registration of real estate, made a new real estate real estate warrants, commonly known as "produce certificate." In fact, as long as you obtain a "producing certificate," you must have the conditions listed in Articles 1 and 2. "Production license", the developer can not handle the formalities, the developer to the buyer in advance of the delivery of the house to turn over the keys, the buyer should refuse to accept.

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